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(*Does not apply to special sale items, scratch & dent items, custom orders, J-track, L-trim, grid covers, sealant options or large panels.)

What Started As A Business To Preserve History...
...has grown into a company helping interior designers, landscapers, contractors & homeowners find the perfect rustic, corrugated metal products - both repurposed & new - for their home or business.
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Dakota Tin Provides Two Unique Collections Of Corrugated Metal Products
Although the style differences of the products in these lines - the corrugated tin or steel - may seem subtle, they elicit a completely different feel, color, and mood for your space.
We carefully inspect each piece of rustic tin and steel to ensure a high-quality, irreplicable product. Tell a story with your space, whether it be a bar, restaurant, man-cave or kitchen.
Metal Collections
Colorado Rustic Steel
After receiving customer feedback about the need for a more consistent, yet...
Dakota Barn Tin - Corrugated Tin
Because this corrugated tin is salvaged from Midwest barn roofs and machine sheds,...